Medical Qigong is slow and relaxing movements that helps calm your mind and loosen your joints. Wendy has completed Tai Chi Level 1 Teacher Training with Simon Blow learning 8 pieces of brocade (Ba Duan Jin), Shibashi 1 and Guigen forms. She plans to teach the Ba Duan Jin for Western Sydney University as a part of a clinical trial on cancer fatigue. Wauchope has regular weekly classes Tuesday evenings at the Anglican Church and 11.30am Wednesdays at Wauchope RSL
Author: Wendy Hee
High Distinctions
a nice surprise to receive high distinctions for Clinical Applications of Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine and Research Protocols, Designs and Practice. So amazing how relevant Han Dynasty (206BCE-220CE) medical texts are today
Western Sydney University Dean’s Merit List 2023
It was a nice surprise to be on Western Sydney University Dean’s Merit List for my studies in 2023
TCM Clinical Registry
Qi+Tonic is supporting the TCM Clinical Registry for better treatment outcomes developed by Dr Michael Popplewell who is building an evidence based acupuncture database in Australia. By participating in the TCM Clinical Registry, your non-identified data will help acupuncturists and researchers develop better treatment protocols for your health issues. Qi+Tonic is one of TCMCR’s pioneering clinics, we are proud as a regional clinic to join this international community of acupuncturists, researchers and patients furthering Chinese Medicine’s acceptance in healthcare. The software has already improved our communications to you, as you now receive an appointment reminder via email, as well as a text from Wendy.
Introducing Isabella
Isabella Livingstone has just completed her first year of studies for her Bachelor of Health Science in Chinese Medicine at Western Sydney University with high distinctions. We are proud to welcome Isabella as Qi+Tonic’s first intern, blessed to have her presence during university holidays. Isabella is a very talented singer songwriter, catch her vibes at Wauchope Country Club
Qi+Tonic wins again
Thank you Wauchope, Qi+Tonic has won Excellence in Microbusiness 2 years running. Congratulations to all Wauchope businesses
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